Institute of Sales Management
Sales & Marketing Courses
Accredited Course
Understanding Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning
50 hours eLearning
Accredited Course
Operational Sales
50 hours eLearning
Accredited Course
50 hours eLearning
Accredited Course
Managing Responsible
50 hours eLearning
Accredited Course
Managing a Sales
50 hours eLearning
Accredited Course
Analysing the Marketing Environment
50 hours eLearning
Accredited Course
Finance for Sales
50 hours eLearning
Accredited Course
Writing & Delivering a Sales proposal
50 hours eLearning
Sales & Marketing Management
160 hours eLearning
Sales & Marketing Management
280 hours eLearning
Provide your team with the theoretical-practical sales and marketing knowledge
and skills required by aspiring sales managers in order to succeed in the work place!
360U now gives you the opportunity to choose the Sales & Marketing Courses that meet your people’s needs, receiving the ISM International Certification.
Understanding Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning Course
Understanding Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning Course aims to provide the knowledge necessary to understand the process of breaking down the total market for a product or service into distinct segments and target the most likely purchasers of organisation’s products using the extended marketing mix to support the positioning of the product.
Understand segmentation in consumer and business markets
Understand how to target market segments for an organisation
Understanding the process of positioning a product
Understanding Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning Course could be attended via eLearning (50 hours) or via Blended (50 hours eLearning & 4 hours face-to-face workshops).
- Duration:
- 50 hours eLearning
- 4 hours face-to-face workshops
- Institution: Institute of Sales Management (ISM)
- Language: English
- Accreditation: ISM International Accreditation
Operational Sales Planning Course
Operational Sales Planning Course aims to provide the skills necessary for putting together an operational sales plan, and the knowledge for managing the implementation of the plan and for dealing with variances to the plan.
Understand how own organisation’s business and marketing strategies inform operational sales planning
Understand sales forecasting techniques
Be able to set objectives and targets in a sales plan
Be able to write an operational sales plan
Understand how to manage the implementation of the operational sales plan through the sales team
Understand how to deal with variances to the operational sales plan
Operational Sales Planning Course could be attended via eLearning (50 hours) or via Blended (50 hours eLearning & 4 hours face-to-face workshops).
- Duration:
- 50 hours eLearning
- 4 hours face-to-face workshops
- Institution: Institute of Sales Management (ISM)
- Language: English
- Accreditation: ISM International Accreditation
Sales Negotiations Course
Sales Negotiations Course aims to provide the knowledge and skills for negotiating effectively in sales settings. The unit focuses on the various stages of negotiation including planning, preparing, negotiating and closing sales negotiations with customers. The unit covers establishing customer requirements and your organisational objectives, clarifying the customer’s understanding of the proposal and coming to an agreement that is mutually acceptable.
Understand what is involved in a sales negotiation
Be able to prepare for a sales negotiation
Be able to carry out a sales negotiation with a customer
Sales Negotiations Course could be attended via eLearning (50 hours) or via Blended (50 hours eLearning & 4 hours face-to-face workshops).
- Duration:
- 50 hours eLearning
- 4 hours face-to-face workshops
- Institution: Institute of Sales Management (ISM)
- Language: English
- Accreditation: ISM International Accreditation
Managing a Sales Team Course
Managing a Sales Team Course aims to provide knowledge of motivation theories and the link between motivation and performance, and knowledge of managing sales team performance. It also aims to provide knowledge for recruiting and selecting members of the sales team.
Understand theories of motivation and the link between motivation and performance
Understand how to manage sales team performance
Understand how to manage staffing levels in a sales team
Managing a Sales Team Course could be attended via eLearning (50 hours) or via Blended (50 hours eLearning & 4 hours face-to-face workshops).
- Duration:
- 50 hours eLearning
- 4 hours face-to-face workshops
- Institution: Institute of Sales Management (ISM)
- Language: English
- Accreditation: ISM International Accreditation
Analysing the Marketing Environment Course
Analysing the Marketing Environment Course aims to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct an audit of the organisation’s internal, micro and macro environment. It also aims to provide an understanding of the impact of internal, micro and macro factors on a customer’s organisation.
Be able to conduct an audit of an organisation’s internal, micro and macro environment
Understand the impact of internal, micro and macro factors on own and customer’s organisation
Be able to recommend actions for the sales function by conducting a SWOT analysis on own organisation’s marketing environment
Analysing the Marketing Environment Course could be attended via eLearning (50 hours) or via Blended (50 hours eLearning & 4 hours face-to-face workshops).
- Duration:
- 50 hours eLearning
- 4 hours face-to-face workshops
- Institution: Institute of Sales Management (ISM)
- Language: English
- Accreditation: ISM International Accreditation
Finance for Sales Managers Course
Finance for Sales Managers Course aims to introduce the knowledge and skills needed to calculate profitability and also to assess customer creditworthiness with the view to formalising the terms of trade with the customer. It also aims to provide the knowledge to set and manage a sales budget for a defined area of sales activity or the whole sales function. It involves knowing how to prepare, submit and agree a budget for a set operating period. It also involves knowing how to set bonuses for sales team members.
Be able to calculate profitability ratios for sales-related decisions
Know how to set a sales budget
Understand how to manage a sales budget
Understand bonus systems for sales team members
Understand how to assess creditworthiness of customers in order to set a credit limit for the customer
Finance for Sales Managers Course could be attended via eLearning (50 hours) or via Blended (50 hours eLearning & 4 hours face-to-face workshops).
- Duration:
- 50 hours eLearning
- 4 hours face-to-face workshops
- Institution: Institute of Sales Management (ISM)
- Language: English
- Accreditation: ISM International Accreditation
Writing & Delivering a Sales Proposal Course
Writing & Delivering a Sales Proposal Course aims to provide the skills for preparing sales proposals for customers. The preparation of sales proposals involves identifying your customer’s requirements and matching them with the objectives and requirements of your organisation. Sales proposals need to include sufficient detail of the products or services to be provided and timescales. A sales proposal is expected to conform to an organisation’s house-style. The sales proposals need to be competitive and to have any necessary conditions and constraints built into them to protect the interests of the organisation.
Be able to develop a sales proposal
Be able to deliver a sales proposal to a customer
Be able to evaluate the proposal
Writing & Delivering a Sales Proposal Course could be attended via eLearning (50 hours) or via Blended (50 hours eLearning & 4 hours face-to-face workshops).
- Duration:
- 50 hours eLearning
- 4 hours face-to-face workshops
- Institution: Institute of Sales Management (ISM)
- Language: English
- Accreditation: ISM International Accreditation
Managing Responsible Selling Course
Managing Responsible Selling Course aims to cover the knowledge involved in managing an organisation’s operations in ways that are consistent with its social and ethical principles, and which fulfill legal and regulatory requirements.
Understand the legal, regulatory, ethical and social requirements pertaining to the sales function
Understand how to manage the sales function in a way that complies with legislation
Know how to deal with non-compliance
Managing Responsible Selling Course could be attended via eLearning (50 hours) or via Blended (50 hours eLearning & 4 hours face-to-face workshops).
- Duration:
- 50 hours eLearning
- 4 hours face-to-face workshops
- Institution: Institute of Sales Management (ISM)
- Language: English
- Accreditation: ISM International Accreditation
Certificate in Sales & Marketing Management
The aim of the Certificate in Sales & Marketing Management is to develop the basic skills required by aspiring sales managers in each business, as well as the ability to apply new techniques to companies in different sectors.
Certificate in Sales & Marketing Management consists of 4 courses :
Understanding Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning Course aims to provide the knowledge necessary to understand the process of breaking down the total market for a product or service into distinct segments and target the most likely purchasers of organisation’s products using the extended marketing mix to support the positioning of the product.
Operational Sales Planning Course aims to provide the skills necessary for putting together an operational sales plan, and the knowledge for managing the implementation of the plan and for dealing with variances to the plan.
Sales Negotiations Course aims to provide the knowledge and skills for negotiating effectively in sales settings. The unit focuses on the various stages of negotiation including planning, preparing, negotiating and closing sales negotiations with customers. The unit covers establishing customer requirements and your organisational objectives, clarifying the customer’s understanding of the proposal and coming to an agreement that is mutually acceptable.
Managing Responsible Selling Course aims to cover the knowledge involved in managing an organisation’s operations in ways that are consistent with its social and ethical principles, and which fulfill legal and regulatory requirements.
Certificate in Sales & Marketing Management could be attended via eLearning (160 hours) or via Blended (160 hours eLearning & 64 hours face-to-face workshops).
- Duration:
- 160 hours eLearning
- 64 hours face-to-face workshops
- Courses: 4
- Institution: Institute of Sales Management (ISM)
- Language: English
- Accreditation: ISM International Accreditation
Diploma in Sales & Marketing Management
Diploma in Sales & Marketing Management focuses on the principles, methodology and modern practices of Sales and Marketing.
By completing the Program, you will achieve a broader understanding of the aspects of Sales & Marketing management, which will lead to increased efficiency on individual and team level.
Diploma in Sales & Marketing Management consists of 8 courses:
Understanding Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning Course aims to provide the knowledge necessary to understand the process of breaking down the total market for a product or service into distinct segments and target the most likely purchasers of organisation’s products using the extended marketing mix to support the positioning of the product.
Operational Sales Planning Course aims to provide the skills necessary for putting together an operational sales plan, and the knowledge for managing the implementation of the plan and for dealing with variances to the plan.
Sales Negotiations Course aims to provide the knowledge and skills for negotiating effectively in sales settings. The unit focuses on the various stages of negotiation including planning, preparing, negotiating and closing sales negotiations with customers. The unit covers establishing customer requirements and your organisational objectives, clarifying the customer’s understanding of the proposal and coming to an agreement that is mutually acceptable.
Managing a Sales Team Course aims to provide knowledge of motivation theories and the link between motivation and performance, and knowledge of managing sales team performance. It also aims to provide knowledge for recruiting and selecting members of the sales team.
Analysing the Marketing Environment Course aims to provide the knowledge and skills necessary to conduct an audit of the organisation’s internal, micro and macro environment. It also aims to provide an understanding of the impact of internal, micro and macro factors on a customer’s organisation.
Finance for Sales Managers Course aims to introduce the knowledge and skills needed to calculate profitability and also to assess customer creditworthiness with the view to formalising the terms of trade with the customer. It also aims to provide the knowledge to set and manage a sales budget for a defined area of sales activity or the whole sales function. It involves knowing how to prepare, submit and agree a budget for a set operating period. It also involves knowing how to set bonuses for sales team members.
Writing & Delivering a Sales Proposal Course aims to provide the skills for preparing sales proposals for customers. The preparation of sales proposals involves identifying your customer’s requirements and matching them with the objectives and requirements of your organisation. Sales proposals need to include sufficient detail of the products or services to be provided and timescales. A sales proposal is expected to conform to an organisation’s house-style. The sales proposals need to be competitive and to have any necessary conditions and constraints built into them to protect the interests of the organisation.
Managing Responsible Selling Course aims to cover the knowledge involved in managing an organisation’s operations in ways that are consistent with its social and ethical principles, and which fulfill legal and regulatory requirements.
Diploma in Sales & Marketing Management could be attended via eLearning (280 hours) or via Blended (280 hours eLearning & 128 hours face-to-face workshops).
- Duration:
- 280 hours eLearning
- 128 hours face-to-face workshops
- Courses: 8
- Institution: Institute of Sales Management (ISM)
- Language: English
- Accreditation: ISM International Accreditation
The Sales & Marketing Courses of 360U are specially designed for executives who want to improve their skills through the adoption of modern sales, marketing and negotiation techniques.
In 360U we offer:
The advanced online learning management system of Cambridge Professional Academy (CPA), is called “The Refinery” and can be accessed from anywhere, at any time by using a PC, tablet or smartphone.
CPA's tutors team delivers engaging, informative workshops and provide one-to one support, giving invaluable feedback and advice.
Learning alongside other students, your team will be able to discuss and debate the topics covered in each module and, in most cases, they will leave with a fully prepared assignment plan.