Antonis Zairis

Business Management Consultant, Tutor, Financial Analyst & Writer
Brief info

Antonis Zairis studied Political Sciences and holds an MBA. He is Dr. of Economic Sociology from the Panteion University. His doctoral dissertation was on Microeconomic subjects, with specialization in Retail Trade. He has served for 30 years as Managing Director of Sales and Marketing, as well as General Manager in various multinational companies and large Greek companies. He has also served as a Business Management Consultant and has 25 years of experience as a Trainer in In-company programs. He has taught as Visiting Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business (2002-2006), at the Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus (1996-1997), at the Democritus University of Thrace (2011-2013) as well as in Graduate Business Administration Programs at the University of New York in Tirana and the University of New York in Prague.